48% of employees think that their work has less meaning than before the covid crisis. The lack of meaning at work impacts the well-being and mental health of employees with a direct consequence on productivity. So together let's explore 4 solutions to restore meaning to work and re-motivate co-workers!
Sense of purpose at work: a definition
Giving meaning to work can be defined as follows: work has meaning if it gives employees a sense of satisfaction and corresponds to their interests. But that is not all, since it should also help them to develop their skills, so that employees can fulfil their full potential. The lack of meaning at work is especially due to the growing number of "bullshit jobs": jobs consisting in carrying out useless or meaningless tasks, with objectives disconnected from reality and/or excessively administrative tasks.
The health crisis, a trigger for the lack of meaning at work
The health crisis revived the quest for more sense of purpose at work, especially among the younger generations. Many employees felt powerless in the face of the crisis and abandoned by their management: short-time working, lack of team support, fewer contacts with their company, etc. The crisis led to a largely negative reappraisal of their jobs with an increased feeling of futility contributing to the loss of meaning at work.
How can an employer react? 4 ideas
1.Boost the group spirit
To retain young talents in the company, you need to encourage shared, sociable experiences. After this period of negative reappraisals and the loss of meaning at work, it is important to highlight the value of each job and to reinforce group spirit in the company through shared activities or discussions.
2. Provide solutions for internal mobility
A sense of meaning at work also depends on the use and development of the co-worker's skills. To prevent the lack of meaning at work and talents leaving the firm, companies need to adopt a managerial culture. In particular, staff's career aims need to be supported by offering solutions of internal mobility.
3. Help employees to develop their skills
Co-workers must also be able to improve their skills. Access to training is an important tool for combating a loss of meaning and for encouraging career progress. Regularly changing jobs helps to maintain a certain level of employee motivation and commitment, and staff will feel truly useful and appreciated.
4. Communicate the company's values
Lastly, sharing the company's vision and communicating about its values are great tools for preventing the lack of meaning at work. Staff can get a better overview of their objectives and the importance of their job in the company as a whole. This precise vision of the aims and usefulness of their work contributes to the general well-being and motivation of each individual.
So combating the lack of sense of purpose turns out to be a vital issue for companies. Do you want to boost group spirit and protect the mental health of your co-workers? United Heroes is an application helping each individual take care of their body and mind. Ask for your free demo!

Rédactrice web, ex Content manager @ Sport Heroes